
Cooking With Essential Oils

We have experts in the kitchen, from across the pond, to talk about why you want to start cooking with essential oils.

In your box of oils you have so many flavors at your fingertips like spices, herbs and citrus fruits.

Combine two passions, love of oils and love of cooking!
You can incorporate dõTERRA oils into your cooking as they are safe internally and provide health benefits.

Host: Rebecca Hintze
Guest Speakers: Shaheen Martin, Glee Hoonhout

*Bonus Recipe from today’s call*
Chocolate Avocado Mousse from Glee Hoonhout
1 avocado
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup cocoa powder
pinch of salt
1 drop Peppermint oil

Mix all ingredients in the food processor , voila!!!